Biografi Friends To Family

Friends To Family
Starting from the five (5) young man who liked to listen to music and wanted to try to make a music group (band). The five young people agreed to form a band which was first named OHIO IS FOR LOVERS with formation beginning: Randy aka Paya as a drummer, Tedy as Rhythm Guitar, Steven aka Said as Bass, Metha as Vocals and the Dewan as Lead Guitar.
OHIO IS FOR LOVERS stood since August 16th 2005.With wing Punk Rock music brings them to try to produce works of music through them Is..1.Come In My Heart, 2.Love Song, 3.Kisahku.
But because there are busy each factor - its personnel, the OHIO IS FOR LOVERS change the formation length and also they change the name of his band became FRIENDS TO FAMILY with his new formation: Randy aka Paya remain on Drums, the Dewan on Lead Guitar + Vocals, Eghi in Rhythm, Steven aka Said on Bass, and Jordan aka Onru (now Murder Of Chucky Guitars) on the Keyboard ...
FRIENDS TO FAMILY with a different song format with OHIO IS FOR LOVERS is trying to bring the kind of song that wing Pop Punk / Powerpop.
In the Year 2008 in because of all Its personnel get busy with their lectures - each then FRIENDS TO FAMILY took the decision to down for a while .. and running again in 2009 months September.Againts with a new formation.
Latest formation FRIENDS TO FAMILY today is Randy aka Paya as Drum, Eghi as Guitar, Ryo as Synteizer , Dhidot as Bass, and Adi ass Vocals..
with the current formation FRIENDS TO FAMILY've pulled out some songs .. yaitu.1. Tersipu (malu - malu), 2.Cerita Ini, 3.Just A Dream, 4.Terpendam, 5.Hilang ..
Kalau mw download lagunya silahkan ke link ini
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